Girls on the Run (GOTR) is a national nonprofit with the mission to “create a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams”. GOTR accomplishes this mission through education and working alongside girls across the nation to instill the value and importance of physical activity, emotional well-being, and other life skills.
The Need
While research continues to underscore the correlation between physical activity and a multitude of benefits such as self-confidence and self-esteem, the work of this nonprofit is of great importance. Furthermore, in a world where subliminal and oftentimes explicit messaging teaches girls potentially detrimental societal gender stereotypes, GOTR aims to give girls the tools to fight and break these stereotypes.
Locally, Girls on the Run Bay Area carries out this mission within the five Bay Area counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco and San Mateo. GOTR Bay Area has served over 30,000 girls in this region.
At GOTR Bay Area, different evidence-based programs offer dynamic lessons which instill the connection between physical and emotional health. The lessons also hone in on the unique life needs of participants in the respective programs. These initiatives offer belonging and inclusivity while facilitating each girl to unlock her power and potential.
A Nonprofit Backed by Research and Testimonials
Among its plaudits, this nonprofit holds research in high regard, as well. One study by Maureen R. Weiss, Ph.D., at the University of Minnesota revealed that GOTR is effective in promoting lasting skills beyond physical activity for these youth- skills such as competence, confidence, connection, character, caring, and basic life skills. Notably, another study conducted by a Harvard research team found that GOTR was one of three programs that has a strong focus on equitable and inclusive education. Access more studies and read other peer-reviewed articles here, to further discover the proven positive benefits of this Bay Area based nonprofit.
Many of our Bay Area residents benefiting from this nonprofit share encouraging testimonials. Charlotte, alum of Girls on the Run says “during my time in the programs, I not only learned how to work hard, I also learned how to be a good teammate and how to be compassionate”. Junior GOTR coaches Kristen and Chelsea say "It was at Girls on the Run that we found our own confidence and strength. The lessons teach that every girl is full of power and potential”.
Partner with Girls on the Run Bay Area
There are so many ways to partner with Girls on the Run Bay Area to help this organization in expanding its impact and improving the lives of girls across the region. At GOTR, individuals can sign up to volunteer at events such as 5k running races or even apply to become a coach. Sign up here. As always, fundraising plays a huge role in allowing these great nonprofits to continue what they do for the public. Donate here to help girls in our area live their most confident and powerful lives!
By Rebekah Barger