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Surge in need for shelter, housing overwhelms Bay Area providers
Pleas from people who were homeless or struggling to keep their housing spiked last year, according to new data from the Bay Area’s...

San Jose struggles to reduce homeless count
San Jose’s unhoused population is not as big as initially reported, but the number of chronically homeless people continues to grow, new...

Bay Area charities see uptick in donations on Giving Tuesday. Here's how you can help
Giving Tuesday is a day that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give. It was created in 2012 to encourage people to do good....

New nonprofit meets SF’s homeless where they are, one step at a time
Brad Reiss, 60, didn’t always think about the importance of socks until he started passing them out to homeless people in the Tenderloin....

Can Santa Rosa end family homelessness? New Catholic Charities project says yes
Catholic Charities in Santa Rosa, California, has opened a new homeless services center opened to help families and others at risk of...

Tiny House Village for the Homeless Opens in San Francisco
San Francisco's first tiny-home village for the homeless, a pilot project using prefab tiny houses, has just welcomed its first dozen...

Collision of high prices threatens Bay Area residents, food banks trying to help
Faced with soaring inflation and the end of most pandemic financial assistance, more Bay Area residents are turning to food banks just as...

After closing its winter homeless shelter, Oakland’s St. Mary’s Center tried something new
“Chicken or steak?” “I like the steak and my brother wants chicken.” On a recent Wednesday afternoon, Vera Sloan pulled burrito after...

Food truck brings hot meals, essentials to San Jose homeless
In an effort to serve more unhoused people, one nonprofit sends a food truck out to encampments to meet people where they are. Dubbed...
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